- In order to obtain customer satisfaction - the process of inspection inspection Haruno

"In order to obtain customer satisfaction"Haruno inspection is no compromise on quality control. Make sure to grasp firmly to our valued customers and conventions. Be inspected and sincerely. The inspection has responsibility for each process, we build quality into. "Confidence and trust" will be sent to customers with.


仕様書の確認 Check specificationsWe will confirm the inspection point at the hearing and customer specifications.

寸法検査 Size checkingLower bills, laundry confirmation name, check included inspects size. Performs all items exhaustive measurements.

外観検査 Visual InspectionScratches, stains, color difference, symmetric, skew dough

染め色検査 Inspection dyeColor blur, printing, dying, bleeding

縫製検査 Garment Inspection 縫いほつれ、針穴、糸切れ、目飛び、縫い継ぎのほつれ、釦付け、カン止め、針穴、縫い返し、パッカリング

仕上げ検査 Finish inspectionIron burn per iron, apology thread, lint, fall accessories

梱包Packing- Packing Shipping paying attention according to the Statement


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